Tag Archives: F

Stanza 1: Wealth

ᚠ  byþ frofur.         fira gehwylcum.
Sceal ðeah manna gehwylc.         miclun hyt dælan.
gif he wile. for drihtne         domes hleotan

It is a consolation to each one of us,
Though each of us must distribute it generously,
If we will before God, cast lots for judgement.


F is for Fee

Friends, our flock bids a fine and I feel fitting farewell to this fallen and friendless one whom I fear has flown the way of all flesh. One feels forlorn for the forsaken but for the unfortunate soul who’s bought the farm fear not for heaven forfend we forget thee. And when, departed friend, the fabled ferryman ferries you to the farther shore, to fire and frost, to the finality of forever after, forget not to find the farthings on your eyes nor fail to feel the one fit into your mouth for to pay the final fee, but for christsakes don’t pay the ferryman until he gets you to the other side.


Lips to teeth, expel air, use force. Ef. Efv. Old English has no V: an F between two vowels is a V. Efen. Even. Efern. eVern. Electronic Vern.

The first letter of several ancient languages means cow. The letter A upside down is a horned cow. Cows were a big deal. You want a cow. Cows are money. ᚠ is for money.

Carve a line straight down. Carve two more lines on the right side at a 45 degree angle up from the middle and midway to the top. A horned cow in profile.