Your hand hurts. Your non-ergonomically correct work station is giving you all kinds of scoliosis. You are low on ink and making more is a whole thing. That stuff doesn’t grow on trees. And you are the copy machine with a pile on your desk that won’t duplicate itself. Your work requires precision. You absolutely must stick faithfully to the originals, however wordy they may be. How do you get through it? There’s hacks and workarounds for speeding up the process and you know every alt. You erase parts of words, exile the vowels. When you take it down to just one letter you’ll spend less ink and stay as accurate as you like.

What’s that you’ve got there? Well that’s a word that shows up all the time. That’s in the Human stanza, and in Aurochs. Well it’s in the copy you’ve left us, the original to our copy burned up in a fire and it was the only one, though I suppose the burnt one was a copy of something else you once copied, but it never make its way back to the top of your to do pile. I do see your original work in it: a þ, thorn, for the TH sound and then cross the T. No vowel necessary and all in one shape: ꝥ. That. Ꝥ’s how to do ꝥ. Neatly done ꝥ, good work. Economical.