X: The sun’s going down.
Y: Wait, how do I run?
X: Control W, no hold it down.
Z: Don’t lose my stuff.
Y: How would I lose your stuff? Wait, I’m stuck. Where am I? Is this a hole?
X: Spacebar
Y: What?
X: Spacebar to jump. Ok. So we need to find a tree.
Y: What for?
X: We need to punch the tree.
Y: We’re going to fight a tree?
X: No, we need to get wood to make things. And we need shelter before something gets us. Ok, punch this tree.
Y: Wait, what? What something? How do I punch the tree?
X: Left click. No, go closer, now left click. We really should be building a shelter.
Y: The tree doesn’t fall? It just stays there with the middle missing?
X: They don’t fall over. You have to get under it and punch up if you want all the wood.… More