Tag Archives: Stanzas

Stanza 15: Helix

seccard hæfþ         oftust on fenne.
wexeð on wature.         wundaþ grimme.
blode breneð         beorna gehwylcne
ðe him ænigne         onfeng gedeð

This sword has a dwelling place most often in the marsh
It waxes in water, wounds severe
The blood of a person’s pustules burns,
For anyone who does grab hold of it.


Stanza 14: The Game

byþ symble         plega. and hlehter
wlancum         ðar wigan sittaþ
on beor sele         bliþe æt somne 

It is a feast game and laughter
For proud          sitting to battle there
In the beer hall peacefully united.


Stanza 16: Sun

semannum         symble biþ on hiht
ðonn hi hine feriaþ         ofer fisces beþ
oþ hibrim hengest         bringeþ to lande

For mariners, it is always hoped upon
When they ferry hence over the fishes’ bath
Until their sea stallion brings them to land.


Stanza 17: Tiw

biþ tacna sum         healdeð trywa wel.
wiþ æþelingas         a biþ on færylde.
ofer nihta genipu         næfre swiceþ

It is one of the signs, it holds trust well
With princes. Forever it is on a journey
Over the obscurity of night, it never deceives.


Stanza 13: Yew

byþ utan         unsmeþe treow.
heard hrusan fæst         hyrde fyres.
wyrtrumun underwreþyd         wynan  on eþle

It is on the outside an unsmooth tree.
Hard, earth bound, guardian of fire.
Reliably supported by roots, a joy in the home.

Stanza 12: Year

byþ gumena hiht         ðon god læteþ
halig heofones cyning         hrusan syllan
beorhte bleda         beornum and ðearfum

It is the hope of humanity when God lets sprout,
The holy king of heaven gives to the earth
Bright fruits for the rich and for the needy.


Stanza 18: Birch

byþ bleda leas.         bereþ efne swa ðeah
tanas butan tudder.         biþ on telgum wlitig.
heah on helme         hrysted fægere.
geloden leafum         lyfte getenge

It is without bloom, though even so it bears
Twigs for divination without offspring. It is beautiful on its boughs
High on top, fairly ornamented
Its leaves might spring up to press upon the sky.

Stanza 19: War Horse

byþ for eorlum         æþelinga wyn.
hors hofum wlanc.         ðær him hæleþ ymb.
welege on wicgum         wrixlaþ spræce.
 biþ unstyllum         æfre frofur 

It is for warriors the joy of princes
A horse with bold hooves, the fighters there around him
The wealthy on steeds trading speech.
And it is for the uneasy ever a consolation.

Stanza 11: Ice

byþ ofer ceald         ungemetum slidor
glisnaþ glæs hluttur         gimmum gelicust.
flor forste geworuht         fæger ansyne

It is overly cold, immeasurably slippery
Glistens glass clear, most like to gems
A floor wrought of frost, a beautiful sight.


Stanza 10: Need

byþ nearu on breostan         weorþeþ hi ðeah oft niþa bearnum
to helpe and to hæle ge hwæþre         gif hi his hlystaþ æror

It is a constraint on the heart, though for the children of envy it often turns
Into help nevertheless, if they would listen to omens beforehand.

Stanza 20: Human

byþ on myrgþe         his magan leof.
sceal þeah anra gehwylc         oðrum swican.
for ðam dryhten wyle         dome sine
earme flæsc         eorþan betæcan

In mirth they are loved by their kin
Though each and every one must depart from the other
For the gods will by their judgement,
That wretched body, entrust to the earth.


Stanza 21: The Sea

byþ leodum         langsum geþuht
gif hi sculun neþan         on nacan tealtum.
and hi sæ yþa         swyþe bregaþ.
and se brim hengest         bridles ne gym 

For the people it seems interminable
If they must venture on a tilting boat
And the violent waves of the sea terrify them
And the sea horse has no regard for the bridle.


Stanza 9: Hail

byþ hwitust corna.         hwyrft hit of heofones lyfte.
wealcaþ hit windes scuras.         weorþeþ hit to wætere syððan

It is the whitest of grains; it whirls from heaven’s air,
It rolls out of a wind storm, it turns into water soon after.

Stanza 8: Joy

ne bruceþ         ðe can ƿeana lyt
sares and sorge         and him sylfa hæfþ
blæd  blysse         and eac byrga geniht ᛬᛫

They partake of this who know little of woes,
Pain and anxiety, and have for themselves
Prosperity and bliss, and also the abundance of a fortified town.

Stanza 22: Ing

wæs ærest         mid east denum.
gesewen secgun.         oþ he siððan est.
ofer wæg gewat         wæn æfter ran.
ðus heardingas         ðone hæle nemdun

First he was among the East Danes
Seen and spoken of, until hereafter he and his bounty eastward
Departed over the waves, his wagon ran after;
Thus the hardy ones named the hero.


Stanza 23: Home

byþ ofer leof         æghwylcum men.
gif he mot ðær. rihtes         and gerysena on
brucan on bolde         bleadum oftast

It is beloved to everybody
If we assemble there on what is just and what is proper
Enjoying often inspiration in the hall.



Stanza 7: Gift

gumena byþ         gleng and herenys.
wraþu  wyrþscype          wræcna gehwam
ar and ætwist         ðe byþ oþra leas

For the people it is ornament and praise
Support and honor, and for those wretched in exile
Mercy and sustenance. You have nothing else.


Stanza 6: Torch

ᚳ byþ cwicera gehwam         cuþ on fyre
blac and beorhtlic         byrneþ oftust
ðær hi æþelingas         inne restaþ

It is to the living who know it by its fire
Shining and bright, it often burns
Inside where the elite rest.


Stanza 24: Day

byþ drihtnes sond.         deore mannum.
mære metodes leoht.         myrgþ and to hiht
eadgum and earmum.         eallum brice

It is the envoy of God, dear to the people
The light of fate’s fame, mirth and hope
Enjoyed by all, the fortunate and the wretched.


Stanza 25: Oak

byþ on eorþan.         elda bearnum.
flæsces fodor         fereþ gelome
ofer ganotes bæþ         garsecg fandaþ.
hwæþer ac hæbbe         æþele treowe

It is on earth for the children of elders
Fodder of the flesh. It ferries frequently
Over the gannets bath. T
he violent sea finds
Whether the noble oak holds true.


Stanza 5: The Ride

byþ onrecyde.         rinca gehwylcum.
sefte and swiþhwæt.         ðam ðe sitteþ on ufan
meare mægen heardum         ofer mil paþas

To those who sit in a house
It feels soft. It is strenuous for those who sit high
On a hard bodied horse over mile paths.


Stanza 4: God

byþ ordfruma.         ælcre spræce.
wisdomes wraþu.         and witena frofur.
and eorla gehwam.         eadnys and to hiht

It is the source of every speech,
The support of wisdom, and the help of sages.
And for each of our leaders ease and hope.


Stanza 26: Ash

biþ ofer heah.         eldum dyre.
stiþ on staþule .        stede rihte hylt.
ðeah him feohtan on         firas monige 

It is very tall, dear to the elders
Firm in its foundations steadily, rightly, it holds
Though many people fight it.


Stanza 27: Bow

byþ æþelinga          eorla gehwæs.
wyn and wyrþmynd.         byþ on wicge fæger.
fæstlic on færelde.         fyrdgeatewa sum

It is for the prince and the noble
Whose joy and mark of distinction is to look good on a horse
Fixedly on the expedition, some trappings of war.

Stanza 3: Thorn

Þ byþ ðearle scearp.         ðegna gehwylcum.
anfengys yfyl         ungemetun reþe.
manna gehwylcun.         ðe him mid resteð

It is severely sharp for all of the thegns.
Laying hold of it is evil, with unmet cruelty
For anybody who rests with them.


Stanza 2: Aurochs

byþ anmod.         and ofer hyrned.
fela frecne. deor         feohteþ. mid hornum.
mære morstapa.          is modig wuht

It is singleminded and overhorned
Fiercely dangerous wild beast, fights with horns
Famous moor-stepper; that is a spirited being.


Stanza 28: Beaver

byþ ea fixa         and ðeah abruceþ.
fodres on foldan.         hafaþ fægerne eard.

wætre beworpen.         ðær he wynnum leofaþ ᛬᛫

It is a river fish, though it always enjoys
Foraging on land. 
It has a beautiful dwelling place
Thrown into water, there it joyfully lives.


Stanza 29: The Grave

byþ egle         eorla gehwylcun.
ðonn fæstlice         flæsc onginneþ.
hraw colian         hrusan ceosan
blac to gebeddan         bleda gedreosaþ.
wynna gewitaþ         wera geswicaþ 

It is grievous for everybody
When quickly the flesh of the corpse
Begins to grow cold.
The pallid one chooses the earth as its consort
Fruits fall, pleasures depart, covenants are betrayed.


Stanza 1: Wealth

ᚠ  byþ frofur.         fira gehwylcum.
Sceal ðeah manna gehwylc.         miclun hyt dælan.
gif he wile. for drihtne         domes hleotan

It is a consolation to each one of us,
Though each of us must distribute it generously,
If we will before God, cast lots for judgement.